City Of Derry RFC Presents: Barbezieux French Exchange Program: Check this Out! Includes A Full Tour Of The City + Ulster Coaches & Players Training Sessions @ Judges Road + Gaelic & Hurling Session with the Tour Party & Steelstown GFC & Celtic Park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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City of Derry Rugby Club are runing a French Exchange Rugby Program this week and I enclose a Newspaper Preview along with an Itinerary for their trip.

You will see there are two real highlights firstly on Friday evening next there will be a coaching session given by Ulster Branch Development Coaches attended by Ulster Rugby Players and then on Bank Holiday Monday there will the a Gealic Hurling and Football Session given @ Celtic Park for City of Derry, The French and Steelstown GFC.

Barbezieux French Exchange Program
Wed 2nd May- Wednesday 9th May 2012
Flight Details:

Arrive 4:30 pm Wednesday 2nd May at Dublin airport. Flight RYANAIR FR1993 out of La Rochelle.
Departure 12:25 a.m. Wednesday 9th May from Dublin airport. Flight RYANAIR FR1992.

Wednesday 2nd May 2012
• Pick up by Coach and Mini Bus from Dublin Airport for Transfer to City of Derry RFC
• COD to provide sandwiches for 60 people @ Airport Pickup
• 8.30 pm approx arrival at City of Derry Rugby Club, Judges Road
• Welcome and dispersal to Host Families Homes
• MD to liaise with adults; transfer to accommodation by Mini Bus. Meal at Fitzroy for Coaches.
Thursday 3rd
• Exchange students to attend local schools
• Evening visit to Bowling alley. Fixed price to include a meal. 6.00 pm. Booked. £6.00
Friday 4th
• Host families to drop students @ Derry town centre approx 9.15-9.30 am Visitors centre
• Guided tour of city walls, history etc
• Peace bridge
• Time in Derry town centre
• Fire Brigade Visit-Northland Rd
• Parents to pick students up at ??
• Training session in conjunction with Ulster senior squad members and development coaches/Training session for all teams. 5.00-7.00 pm

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Saturday 5th
• Under 11 and under 13 games vs COD at COD rugby club 10.30 am
• MacDonald’s meal at COD/ sponsored Barbecue
• Possible Pm visit to Laser space or alternative
• Evening reception at COD rugby club 7.00 pm-10.00 pm. Cost £5.00 for COD player meal, adult cost tbc.Likely to be no charge to French guests.
Sunday 6th
• Mayor Reception @ 1.30pm atCity of Derry Rugby Club, Judges Road
• Under 11 North West Rugby Festival at COD 2pm
• Under 13 North West Invitation Competition at COD 2pm
• Followed by barbecue etc
Monday: bank holiday 7th
• Day activity with GAA-Gaelic football. All visiting players and COD members plus local GAA club members. Celtic Park. 11.00-3.00 pm
• Parents please drop students at 10.45 am with pack lunch
• Pick up at 3.00 and take to COD
• Fun 5-a-side competition
• MacDonald’s meal in late afternoon at COD
• Possible evening activity
Tuesday 8th
• Visit to Giant’s Causeway, rope bridge, Portrush, other sites of Northern Ireland. Parents to drop students at COD at 9.15-9.30 am
• Laser tag and turbo tour at Dunluce centre with lunch. 1.00 pm. Students price for all activities £10.00. Adult price for all activities £12.00. Possibly subsidised.
• Pick up from COD at 4.15 pm
• Evening: Tag rugby competition/ or full rules competition at COD inviting local schools e.g. Foyle, Lumen, Oakgrove 7.00 pm
• Fairwell Buffet etc at COD
Wednesday 9th
• Barbezieux RFC depart COD rugby club at 7.30 AM. Parents drop off no later than 7.15 am
• Unless otherwise stated host families will provide breakfast, packed lunch and Dinner
• This is a provisional timetable and subject to change and replacement of activities
Andy Gill 07885069574

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