CHECK THIS OUT!!!! Dungannon RFC AWESOME NEW WEBSITE NOW LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! + President W.G. Gallagher Message

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It is a tremendous honour and privilege to be elected President of Dungannon Football Club, especially as I have never played the game. However, I have been involved in the club for a long time and I will most certainly do everything in my power to ensure that ‘Gannon remains at the forefront of Ulster and Irish Rugby.
We should be very proud of the standard of rugby produced every week by our very young 1st XV in spite of the disappointment of being pipped at the post in the very last match, missing out on promotion to division 1A. Great credit must go to Justin Fitzpatrick, Kieran Campbell and their team of coaches for producing such a talented team. Unfortunately, we have said farewell to Justin who has left the club to return to England for personal reasons and Kieran, who is taking up a post with Ulster Rugby. We wish them both success in their future careers.
Our new head coach Paddy Johns will receive our wholehearted support to ensure that a continued high standard is maintained throughout the club. While it is agreed that the 1st XV is the flagship team, hearty congratulations to the 2nd XV who finished third in their league and the 3rd & 4th XV’s for wining their respective leagues. And well done to the ‘fours’ for their achievement in winning the Forster Cup. FANTASTIC!
The Youth Section and Minis continue to thrive and I believe that all of the hard work from their coaches will come to fruition this year.
Running a Rugby Club at the present time is a difficult job. Finances are tight and it would be wrong of me not to mention with gratitude Billy Boles and Ian Brewster who work many long hours to keep us afloat. I also wish to thank our Sponsors, without whom we would not be able to survive.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Come and support our teams on match day. Support our clubhouse functions and if you can bring a friend all the better.
So come on ‘Gannon let’s have a fantastic 2012/13 season for all our teams and perhaps with your support we may get promotion to Division 1A this year.
W.G. Gallagher

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