Cancer Focus NI Charity Tag Rugby Tourno Is A Massive Hit: In 800+ Action Shots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 minutes, 36 seconds Read

Many thanks to Rab Irwin for these superb action shots from what he said was an absolutely superb tourno. They very deservedly got the weather and it was a great chance to have a game of tag rugby and support a local Cancer charity.

“Cancer Focus Northern Ireland is your local cancer champion, here to help you and your family if you have cancer. We’ll help your community take positive steps to a healthier life, to lower your risk of cancer and we are determined to bring a more hopeful future by funding ground-breaking research.”

Many thanks go to everyone who took part and helped raise money for the charity and Rab for the pictures 800+ Action Shots ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLICK HERE TO SEE THEM

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