Can IT GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ The Sublime Malone Red Sox I XV trounce Thomond RFC 49-15!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I XV

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Malone in seventh heaven as they trounce Thomond

Malone produced the performance of the season thus far and played some superb rugby to defeat Thomond by 49-15.

Thomond were as expected very impressive in the forwards and dominated for periods in both halves of the game, however Malone made the most impressive starts I have witnessed for a long time. Malone scored initially through Leathem after a great break from Acheson. a further score from Barker with the Malone backline displaying some great handling, both converted from Pentland saw them 14-0 ahead

Mahoney scored a penalty for the visitors, but the Malone backline were on fire and their third try was magical the ball was moved at pace through numerous hands to finally set Johnny Burgess free to score, Josh added the extras to be 21-3 ahead.

Thomond scored a further 3 penalties through Mahoney one after Conor Joyce was shown yellow after repeated warnings from the referee for infringements at the ruck. the half ended with Malone ahead by 21-12.

Malone should have extended their lead further early in the second half however with the line beckoning the ball was lost. Moments later Malone scored a try when scrum half Shane Kelly popped a beautiful inside pass to flanker Joyce who stormed over the line, Josh added the extras again.

Malone lost the services of Connor Joyce with 25 minutes to go when he was shown a second yell and then red for a dangerous tackle, Mahoney kicks a resultand penalty to give Malone a 28-15 lead.

Malone were not finished yet and scored two further converted tries through Michael Barker who nabbed his second ogf the game and finnaly Taylor Acheson who was I believe making his debut appearance at full back set down to complete a comprehensive afternoons work.

A magnificent result, well done to the whole team, but it was a day for this young a nd very talented backline to shine and shine they did.

This result lifts us to 3rd place in the league a single point behind Seapoint, with 3 remaining games to go things certainly look bright. We just need to retain our focus and keep working hardin training.

I for one cant wait for the next game,

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