BHSFP win Kukri Qualifying League 4, what a season!

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Bhsfp hosted Monaghan yesterday in the last league game of the season. After previously losing to Monaghan earlier in the season, high school were ready for the challenge to make up for their performance the last time the two sides met. A transformed high school side left nothing on the pitch with the forwards out-scrumming the Monaghan pack and the backs running some great lines. Try’s came in abundance with Kris Porter scoring four. (The gent even bought his jug after the game.) Other try scorers included Matthew Booth, Ali Best, Matt Connolly and Bryan McGreal. Man of the match was awarded to Michael Hayes who controlled the game and kicked well at 10. Final score 63-0.
Thankyou and well done to everyone who put the time into training, playing and travelling to the away games this season as it has resulted in Bhsfp winning “Qualifying League 4”. Also a big thankyou to coach Rhys Botha for his efforts throughout the season. Hopefully this will result in the club moving on to bigger and better things!
A reminder that the end of year club dinner will be held in the Hilton hotel on the 18th April and tickets can be bought of Bryan McGreal or Ian Scott

Another big away game for the mighty Bhsfp Rfc 2nd XV against Randalstown. We all arrived early and eager to put on a show for the swaiths of supporters who had heard of the legend of the Armoy game. On a blustery day we knew it would be difficult to play our usual fast and loose style, but with a fairly consistent team and Gareth Adams at the helm we would give it a shot. Please bear in mind I got a bang in the head so some events may or may not have actually happened…
High School kick off into the wind and Randalstown return with some gusto but are hit hard. Even so, they continue to press hard and a speculative kick from the 10 takes a wicked bounce to leave Steven Drennan stranded. Good work from Randalstown see them cross the line. From kick off, aggressive chasing from Scottasarus Velociraptor Kalashnikov put the big Randalstown pack under pressure, and Davy charged down the clearance kick, then regathered to score under the posts. Willy “the whinge” then cried for the full minute because someone gave him the wrong tee. After wiping the tears he slotted the simple conversion. In a tight first half Ross Reid, Jack Balmer, Gareth ensured that the ball was on a platter for Willy and he gave the backs superb ball all game. Determining that missing me each time the backs got the ball was the safest option and Jonathan Murphy used his pace to strip the Town back line on multiple occasions almost setting up Andrew Jackson from our own 22. Good cover work for Town stopped a sure fire try, but their resolve would tested shortly after. Another M1 and a glorious dummy running line from Dally saw Jonny torture his opposite number and simple hands saw Connor Elliot in at the corner. More great work from Chris Young (a new face) and particularly Ivan Swarbrick who ran riot from kick off saw the forwards on the front foot. Quick ruck ball on the right about half way saw Davy use Scott and Nigel as battering rams up the middle. A third phase saw the backs drawing and giving with Jonny Murphy scoring his first try in too long…the cusp of a smile assured us he’d shaken himself from the melancholy of Armoy. The second half started with the wind at our backs and Town used their tried and tested tactic of running up the middle. Surprisingly having not worked for the entire first half it again failed to provide anything but sore ribs. High school kicked well and won their line out with Jack leaping like a salmon on more than one occasion. Good ball off the top allowed Davy to run a DSP which baffled the opposition to the point were no one laid a finger on him. Davy on a brace. More attacking dominance from kick off saw Collin Alexander (who was surprisingly unthuggish) gather, break tackles and offload to the backs who put Jonny in for his second. Again the pack punched above their weight with John Balmer going into prop and Collin dropping to flank. Davy made another break and instead of finishing for his hatrick, and having to buy a jug, he passed to Collin who was as always never far from the action…Town rallied and started playing a bit of rugby using their retund pack to gain ground. High school defended like champions holding out the bigger pack for a sustained periods. Scott got binned for a blatant foul and the High School struggled without him. Town in the ascendancy scored a dubious try but with only 10 mins left, time was running out. Impressive scrummaging at the end of the games allowed high school to score a length of the pitch try with Dally breaking tackles and using his elusive pace to get in at the corner. Incredible fitness and running from Connor all game, and to all the forwards – I salute you. Tommy I think you should select the Motm and dotd!

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