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Banbridge took the honours in the Cup in a close battle with Armagh, while Dromore won the Shield against Viagra Boys. 211 action and team shots of all the teams!

The best runners up were the Viagra Boys.

A new tournament for InTouch and after attending we will definitely be back.

Well organised and very well supported with 17 teams, including Balbriggan and 2 English sides.

The Craic was mighty as they say, and Tthe setting was really spectacular with the coastal road leading to Rostrevor and then the excellent Kilbroney Country Park.

The battles commenced at 1.30pm after registration and we got down to some really entertaining rugby.

Fairly tight pitches made for some spectacular tackles and a real joy for the tight five battling in close quarters up and down the pitches.

Throw in a smattering of scrums and lineouts and it was not long before the forwards were grinning between encounters!

A real joy to watch and hear the clatter of tackles!

An excellent crowd of spectators was swelled by visitors to the Rostrevor “Fiddlers Green Music Festival” hence the name of the tournament, which is now a regular in the Ulster rugby calendar.

Expertly referreed by Ulster Branch, the standard was high from both the shield and cup competitors.

The weather held well and all concerned enjoyed an excellent days rugby, not to mention quite a party later. Apart from playing rugby the Newry Boys, who organised the tournament with their Chariman Eugene O’Connor cooking burgers and hot dogs, certainly know how to throw a party and combined with the Rostrevor Festival in the evening it is fair to say a few are still missing!

211 Pictures from all the teams – CLICK HERE

54 More Pictures – CLICK HERE

Honours on the day went in the higher level Cup to Banbridge in a close fought encounter with Armagh, with Viagra Boys and Mortons narrowly missing out on the finals. In the shield Dromore took the honours against Viagra Boys who had put up an excellent fight.

Well done to the Viagra Boys who had entered 2 teams and travelled from England, they were excellent competitors and provided along with Balbriggan some of the best rugby on the day.

Balbriggan had even brought a loud speaker and provided some interesting commentary to say the least.

An Excellent Day!

Teams: Balbriggan, Dromore, Titans, Newry1, Banbridge 2, Newry 2, Newry 3, Newry 4, Mortons, Cavan, Ophir 2, Ophir 1, Armagh, Viagra Boys 1, Viagra Boys 2, Banbridge 1.

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