Ards RFC Welcomes Ladies Section To Hamilton Park & Confirm Some Senior Mens Signings

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Thunderstorms and lightening strikes greeted Ards new Ladies section at their first training session on Wednesday night (21st July).
But undeterred by the downpour, they took to the soaked pitches like ducks to water, if you pardon the pun.

Well done to Ross Reid, ably assisted by Ian Caughey, on his inaugural outing with Ards first fledgling Ladies section and ladies, you are all very welcome at Hamilton Park.

Now that the first session has got off the ground, the Ladies will continue to train on Wednesday evenings from 6.45 – 8.30pm.

The changing areas and showers will be Out-of-Bounds to everyone except those involved with the Ladies section on Wednesday evenings, but the remainder of the clubhouse will be open to all other members as normal.

For more information about joining Ards Ladies section please contact Ross Reid on 07801 848762, everyone welcome.


There continues to be an excellent turnout at pre-season training as the new season begins to gather momentum. Players are being put through their paces with all sorts of strength and conditioning exercises closely supervised by head coach Cois Beukes.

Seniors training continues on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6.45pm and also on Saturdays from 10.30am.

A senior team bonding weekend is being arranged for the weekend commencing 6th August. This will be open to all senior players and more details on this will be released in the near future.

Ards are in the process of confirming a couple of warm up games before the season kicks-off for real. Proposed dates for the games are the 14th and 21st August. Both games will be on a Saturday and will have a 2.30pm start time.

Ards would also like to welcome the arrival of a number of new players to the Club and they include, Steven Minnis and John McLaughlin from Belfast Harlequins, Jason Morgan and Andy Todd form Bangor, Stuart Fergusson and Ryan Diver from CIYMS, and Richard Millar from Donaghadee. There are a number of other players who are likely to join Ards this season and they will be confirmed soon.

Also making a welcome return to action this season will be Gareth Quinn, Matthew Weir and Peter Croan. All three missed most of last season due to long term injuries.

At this time, only Michael Lawton has been confirmed as moving Clubs when he transfers to Division 1B side Dungannon. Michael has been at Ards for 17 years and has decided to try his hand in the higher echelons of Ulster and Irish rugby and we wish him well.

The arrival of so many new players and the return to fitness of others, is all very encouraging for the Club this season and has undoubtedly helped bolster the playing strength of the senior squad for their AIL program.


Youth pre-season training for the U15s and 17s will commence on Tuesday 10th August at 6.45pm. The U13s will initially train on Sundays from September and more details on this will be made known in the near future.


The Mini section will be returning to action in early September and more details on this will be made known in due course.

Ards are looking forward to building on the successes of last season at all levels and to do this they require a strong player base. Anyone who is considering playing for the Club should make themselves available for pre-season training as early and as often as possible and help get the season off to a flying start, everyone welcome.

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