Antrim Mini rugby starts off with a bang on Saturday morning with a great first day turn out.

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Although the day was wet and windy it didn’t stop the kids have fun rolling around in the mud and playing new games and learning about the game of rugby from the Ulster coaching staff. The boys had fun play arrange of games from pass and move and tag rugby while in between learning how to tackle one another which seamed to be the highlight of the day tackling their friends into the mud from which the parents at the side line looked on and knew the washing machine was going be put to work later on.

Once again Antrim rugby club would like to thank all of those who their involved on Saturday morning especially the kids has this day embarks on a new generation of players for Antrim Rugby club and Antrim Grammar School who have generously let use the facilities at the school. Without this new Mini rugby section Antrim will struggle to push forward in the rugby community.
The history of Antrim rugby club and Antrim Grammar School was at its all time high back in the mid 90’s until the start of the millennium.
The Club was always a strong side and once fielded 5 sides very Saturday and got to the final of the towns cup in 1989 and were promoted to qualifying 2 for a year. However of the years Antrim have produced many players that have represented in the Ulster Juniors side and many who played for the Ulster and Irish schools side over the years and in 2001 and 2002 Antrim were the only Team to win the Gordon west cup back to back and were promoted once more to qualifying 2 for a year. But with no youth section saw Antrim struggle to replace the retirees and had to fold in 2005. It wasn’t until 2006 when Antrim started up again and have gone from strength to strength.
Antrim Grammar school was also at its peak in the mid 90’s and should have been in the final of the Schools cup twice but were knocked out by Bangor and Regent House who both went on to win the cup and it was those players who went on to play for Antrim rugby club and achieved great success. Since the arrival of Mr Baguley, Director of Rugby and once again as started to thrive and over the years have developed into a good rugby school with two tours to South Africa and most recently a tour to Edinburgh.

Antrim mini rugby is open to all and we welcome all with open arms on Saturday mornings at the front pitch of Antrim Grammar school this Saturday at 11.30 to 12.30 with the cost of £1 we hope to see you then and let’s see Antrim thrive once again.

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