Blog. So many loving relationships blossoming online….

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Those things in life that bring a deep sense of completeness and peace within oneself and towards the world are cherished by all peoples. Romantic relationships are one of the central mechanisms by which people attain this type of stability in their lives.

Just recently in a conversation about this very topic my co conversationalist and I came to a realisation which was undeniable and yet we needed to be reminded of it. This was “when things are good you almost don’t have to work at it, in fact you really don’t at times”. The people in the relationship are all in a good place and it is working. Reflecting on it happens naturally within the relationship as a celebration or simple heartwarming reflection.

Going on long walks by the coast and absorbing the elements is such a great way to reflect on the things that are great in our lives. Our life partners are right at the top of those lists constantly bringing all the best feelings and emotions to our lives. Things like contentedness, peace, stability, and an overwhelming depth of confidence brought from the feeling that we have support.

The benefits of relationships are so big that this is actually the norm for people. While we cannot claim to have studied or scientifically verified the following ideas. The ‘norm’ of people being in relationships is so prevalent that it may actually be a psychological need, and who knows, it may even have a biological component.

Mostly, it simply is the norm. Why would this be though? Well. Here is what we think!

Human beings are organisms. We are biological, organic and we are absolutely dependent on our environment. We come into existence by the union of two other humans and we cannot survive alone once we are born. It is 100% necessary that we have other humans (of course this is usually our biological parents) to provide the resources we need as infants to survive even 1 or 2 days! Food, safety from predators, shelter, heat. So our entire life in infancy and childhood is entirely dependent in others.

So this total reliance on others and the very nature of each humans total reliance on the environment to provide the resources we need to survive lends itself to people being in relationships. Collaborations if you will. A meeting of minds to cope with the necessities of life.

The cycle and processes of life and living are truly astounding. No matter what way you look at it relationships are central to most humans lives.

It is this need to gather the resources to survive that adds relevancy to online dating. As our goals include being in a relationship then we do focus on unlocking that puzzle so to speak. Online dating provides an incredibly accessible resource to utilize in achieving our relationship goals. The fact that so many like minded people are online and looking for dating is the strength of the online dating world. The fact that so many people are on sites or using a Bedfordshire Dating Site  or sites anywhere means that the opportunity to achieve a relationship goal is accessible 24/7 365 days of the year through ‘online dating’ ! Incredible right! This is why so many people are using dating online websites. It fits perfectly with our life goals. It is in most cases professionally run websites who are offering this online meeting place. No longer do you have to travel vast distances to meet people. Now its all being done online during peoples working day, at home, on the commute and so on!

We do hope you enjoyed our thoughts on this topic and please do use our handy links above right to connect with us on social media and feel free to share this post or subscribe to our RSS feed!

Take care when dating and very very best wishes!

Yours sincerely, InTouch Rugby Dating Editor.

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