30 HOURS! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! A FEAT OF HUMAN ENDURANCE & POSITIVE THINKING: The Tropics & Mengal Taggers: Inspirational!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The effort, work, commitment, the inspirational leadership and ability to get something done for something that is bigger than us all. The human spirit takes a big leap for joy at just what teams can achieve. In the darkest hour a dream is born and this group of ordinary people have achieved sometrhing extraordinary. Ideas […]

THIS SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!! Guinness world record attempt…longest continuous game of tag rugby in history…Mengal Taggers v the Tropics…9th June 2012…all in aid of Cancer Research UK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The idea for the event originated from two brothers, Scott and Stuart Nelson whose father recently passed away after a five year battle with cancer. The match will be played in memory of family members and friends of the teams who we have lost through cancer and for those who are currently battling with the […]

Featured Article: Newforge Taggers, Donaghadee Sharkies, Dungannon Sharks, Ballymena Bears Tourno To Prepare For Bristol: In 200+ Action Shots!!!!!!!!!!!

Brilliant morning of rugby at Newforge where the teams met up for a pre Bristol tournament to play rugby and get a feel for what it will be like. The teams all played superbly and Patron Chris Henry + Dan Tuohy & Darren Cave attended with Luke Marshall & Michael Lawton representing Ulster & Grassroots […]