Perennials RFC Notes: Charity Candlelight Dinner & Caberet A Resounding Success!!!!!!!! Nest Event Next event – Lunch at No 10!!!!!!!!! 26th April

Our Charity Candlelight Dinner and Caberet evening was a resounding success with a great night’s entertainment had by all. Compere Gerry Donnelly lead the proceedings and introduced some great acts from the professional circuit, along with our own in house talent such as Michael Crutchley, The Jim Keith Experience, and Philip Parker to name a […]

Perennials RFC Notes: The Effervescent I XV Are Sending A Training Video To Declan Kidney!! The Match Report Is A True & Accurate Description Of The Game & Bangor Did Field A Youthful Side: Report + 23 Action Shots!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a sunny spring afternoon at Uprichard Park, the Perennials suffered their first defeat of the season losing by 8 tries to 5 against a youthful Bangor side. CLICK HERE FOR 23 Action Shots There were some concerns prior to the game when it became apparent that the opposition had youth on their side and our […]