InTouch Rugby TV Interview: Pièce de résistance ~ Friends Coaches Stephen Robinson, Norman Gamble & Chris Henderson Comment On Friends School Rugby

Coaching rugby, a dream come true! Ups and downs of a season, big tournos round the corner – but first lets enjoy Christmas and friendship, Stephen Robinson I XV Coach, Normon Gamble II XV Coach & Chris Henderson I XV backs coach comment on keeping the show on the road faced with alot of injuries […]

InTouch Rugby TV Interview: Coach Mark Henderson Friends School Medallion Rugby Comments On A Very Close Game v Portadown Rugby Medallion

Very, very, close game, could have went either way, the excitement level was their all the way through. One side would score and the other would focus harder to come back stronger – fest of rugby! Coach Mark Henderson comments on a bunch of boys with hearts of lions! [youtube b3LVotPWMXg] CLICK HERE for 160+ […]

InTouch TV Presents: Friends School Rugby I, II & Medallion XV – WE GOT THEM TRIES HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome Rugby – CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All right at Friends School home of the biggest circulating school youtube clip ever and a rugby section who practice the shash it up rugby union style, nice backs! Lots of passing and the sheer joy of the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Superb morning from a bunch of boys who win loose or draw – are enjoying every […]

Friends School Rugby Notes: Medallion I XV just Pipped by Portadown Medallion I XV: Report + 160 Action Shots LIVE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friends School Lisburn Medallion XV travelled to Portadown College for their final game before the next round of the Medallion Shield. Missing 5 players from the previous match against Campbell College, the Friends coaching staff were interested to see how the side would perform with players covering out of position. CLICK HERE FOR THE SHOTS […]

Portadown College Rugby I XV v Friends School Rugby I XV: Gearing Up For the New Year!!!!!!!!!!!! We got 160+ Action Shots LIVE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At this stage of the season all the sides are finding the patterns clicking in, and with injured players returning left right and centre ther eis only one thing on everyones minds – The Tournaments I XV, II XV, III XV, IV XV, V XV Medallion and so the list goes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! – We got […]