Two of the teams not involved in the Third Round of the Northern Bank Schools’ Cup locked horns at Pirrie Park on Saturday when Methodist College hosted Ballymena Academy. Report & Pictures

The match proved to be a tense and highly competitive affair with Ballymena keen to make amends for their defeat by Methody back in October. Ballymena started strongly and spent the first ten minutes of the match deep in the Methody half but stout defence by the home team meant that Ballymena were unable to […]

SCHOOLS CUP 2012: Portadown College Rugby I XV v Royal School Dungannon Rugby I XV: Report & 150+ Pictures!

There was a close encounter played out at Chamber’s Park in Portadown when the Portadown College team played Royal School, Dungannon in the 3rd Round of the Northern Bank Ulster Schools’ Cup. CLICK HERE FOR 2 ALBUMS OF Pictures One for InTouch & One kindly donated by Guy McCullough The home team started strongly denying […]

InTouch Rugby TV Presents: Foyle & Londonderry College Medallion I XV – ON THE CHARGE + Interview with Coach David Barnett + 78 Pictures

Medallion rugby, the joy of it, this game was at full throttle and the great rugby skills were on show with Foyle exhibiting awesome off loads and phase play in a comprehensive victory. We got tries, and play on vid + interview with coach David Barnett & 78 Pictures – check it all out below. […]

Medallion Shield Results ~ Round 2! + Pictures & InTouch TV Highlights Of Lurgan College & Foyle & Londonderry College

Seven of the eight Northern Bank Ulster Schools’ Medallion Shield Round 2 games were played on Saturday. The results were as follows:- Grosvenor Grammar School 5 – 13 Portora Royal School. Carrickfergus Grammar School v Craigavon Senior High School (playing Tuesday 10th January) Limavady Grammar School 17 – 8 Larne Grammar School. Dalriada School 12 […]

Northern Bank Ulster Schools’ Round Up Saturday 7th January 2012: Review Of Games + INTOUCH RUGBY TV Vids & Pictures of Foyle (Med), Dalriada (II XV) & Lurgan College (Med & II XV) + Pictures – Also VERY VERY Interesting I XV Games

There was one game played on Friday 6th prior to a fuller list of fixtures on Saturday 7th January. Lurgan College II XV v Dalriada II XV PICTURES CLICK HERE Friends’ School hosted Lurgan College in a floodlit game at Lisburn Rugby Club. The Friends’ team had been showing signs of improvement in recent games […]

INTOUCH RUGBY PRESENTS: Portadown College Rugby I XV: Highlights Vid, Pictures & Interview With Coach Andrew Symington

A very capable side, with all the hallmarks of a Symington coached rugby team. Skillful and well drilled with a great team bond. We got the tries, + close up play and interview with coach Andrew Symington + pictures. Play Highlights: [youtube HJ_1-X54hEc] CLICK HERE FOR PICTURES Coaches Interview [youtube 5Em8eliRyA8]

INTOUCH RUGBY PRESENTS: Portadown College Rugby II XV & Medallion – Pictures, Video Highlights, Tries + Interviews With medallion Coach Marc Beggs & Captain Jordan Dowd

Big respect to the systems at Portadown College, the guys are getting superb experience and playing really big reputation sides and winning along the way! We watched them on Saturday against Friends and it was impressive. Check out the clips below, interviews and pictures link…… Portadown College II XV & Medallion ON THE CHARGE [youtube […]