City Of Derry RFC Notes: I XV 36 v Seapoint RFC I XV 25!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Report LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

City of Derry Rugby Club travelled to play Seapoint in South Dublin on Saturday last in their second Ireland League Fixture of the season and came away with a bonus point victory when they outscored their opponents by six try’s to three. Derry had suffered a surprise defeat at home to UCC in their first […]

OFFICIAL: Womens Rugby AIL Division 2 Fixtures Now Live: Prepare for Armegeddon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Belfast Harlequins, City Of Derry, Enniskillen & Queens University will represent Ulster in the AIL Division 2 League this season. There are times when they will play each other and these will be fierce games, but there are also times when they will play teams from outside Ulster and armegedden will take place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLICK HERE […]

ARDS RUGBY CLUB: AGM Announced + David Chivers Ties The Knot + I XV Come Back From 17-8 With 20 mins on the clock Down & FIGHT! To Win 30-17 & STAY IN AIL RUGBY Report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & Pictures Of The Boyne job.

The club AGM will be held on Monday 14th May at 7:00pm in the Club House at Hamilton Park. Further information will be circulated within the next few days. This is an important meeting and an opportunity for all members of the club to have a say on a number of key topics, and perhaps […]