How you can pass the time while waiting for the rugby season to begin

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How you can pass the time while waiting for the rugby season to begin

The 2022 major league rugby season starts on February 5, and fans around the world are getting ready to kickstart the first rugby league of 2022. But even though February 5 is less than a month away, for a true rugby fan a month can feel like forever. This is how you can entertain yourself in the meantime.
Rugby is an exciting sport with a dedicated fanbase. However, waiting for the season to begin can be challenging for a passionate fan. Here are a few things you can do to pass the time.

Share your love of rugby with the world
While you are waiting for the rugby season to begin, you might as well pass the time with people who are just as excited about rugby as you are. Find people with similar interests as you and share your love of rugby with others.

Look back on an exciting year of rugby
2021 was a thrilling year of rugby. Of course, the pandemic has hit the sport of rugby as much as any other sport. Fans had to watch rugby events through a TV-screen, and rugby teams had to step on the field without the roar and the energy of the fans, yet 2021 was by no means a boring year of rugby.
For instance, it was a historic day when Scotland won against England with a score of 6-11. It was Scotland’s first win at Twickenham since 1983. See the highlights of 2021 here and get excited for another year of equally great rugby matches.

Warm up with fun rugby games
If you can’t wait for February 5 to finally arrive, if you simply can’t get rugby off your mind, maybe you need to distract yourself with something fun. You can, for example, try online gambling. This will surely distract you while you wait.
There are many fun games to try out. Some casinos even offer a rugby star slot. As a fan, you will have all the advantages. You know the sport, and in the game, you can win by finding rugby elements such as a rugby stadium. Many casinos offer a bonus for new players, but you can even find a casino that offers bonuses to both new and existing players. Find the best casino bonuses right here and get a bonus instantly. If you are lucky, you might even spend your winnings on tickets to upcoming rugby matches.

Photo: Unsplash

Play rugby yourself
And last but not least, you can play rugby yourself while you are waiting for the season to begin. Get ready to tackle your opponent and experience all the fun of a rugby game. It may be more interesting to watch professional rugby players do what they do best on the field, but you can definitely have as much fun playing yourself. This is a great way to warm up to the major league of 2022, so you are ready to enjoy the sport with your teammates when the season begins.

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