PROTECT THE THINGS AND PEOPLE YOU LOVE WITH PATLOCK (Currently at Argos for £70!) & @ B&Q, Robert Dyas and Woodie’s.

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Patlock is a fitted French door lock and visual deterrent that has been designed and developed in the UK to stop would-be intruders.

It provides maximum visibility to show French doors and conservatories are securely locked from the inside, yet also provides maximum security from the outside.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that there were 356,017 incidents of burglary in England and Wales, to the year ending March 2020. The weakest point of entry in most homes being at the rear of the property, via patio or French doors.

Patlock assists homeowners in securing their property against burglars and the method of forced entry known as lock snapping. This involves breaking the cylinder of a UPVC door, which enables the trespasser to manipulate the lock to open it. When compromised, the cylinder renders all the other locking points useless.

Patlock removes this risk by securing all shoot bolts and levers, ensuring that the doors remain in the locked position – this stops the exterior handles from being operated and removes the option to open the doors from the outside. In addition, each Patlock comes with a pair of tamper resist spindles to enhance the security that Patlock provides.

Easy to fit and release in seconds and with no key or code required, Patlock provides extra security and instant peace of mind for any homeowner and is recommended by Police Forces and Crime Prevention organisations throughout the country.

Patlock is priced at £70 (RRP) and is available from Argos, B&Q, Robert Dyas and Woodie’s (Ireland).

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