7 Ways to Adjust to New Normal: Home Workout

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7 Ways to Adjust to New Normal: Home Workout


The Coronavirus has changed the way we live in many ways including our general health. Many people are reporting they have gained weight during the lockdown periods and are unable to exercise as they normally would. In the midst of the current worldwide pandemic, many people are working out at home instead of going to the gym. Though some gyms have opened back up, the new normal in workout trends is to stay in the comfort of your own home to get your exercise. If that describes you, chances are that it might be taking a little bit of getting used as you set up a home gym and learn how to execute an effective home workout. Fortunately, there are some ways you can get the most out of each session, even if you can’t hit the gym.

1. Buy Gear Online

If you’re used to working out at the gym, you might not have any workout gear at your house. That means your first step should be organizing what you need to set up a home gym. There are lots of places to do this, some of them even offering online coupons that can save you some money. Online shopping is an easy way to get the gear you need delivered right to your door. Use this Noon coupon code to find everything you need, from weights to bands to an elliptical. Use these voucher codes to stock up on the essentials.

2. Try Something New

You might be used to your circuit training or treadmill routine at the gym, but you might have to switch things up if you’re going to be working out at home. Your bodyweight is the perfect tool for building muscle. Incorporate moves like sit ups, push ups, wall sits and squats into your routine to work your arms and legs. Add crunches and planks to your core and shoulders. You can also jog in place, jump rope or take walks around the neighborhood to satisfy your cardio needs and burn calories.

3. Use the Television

If you look on your streaming services menu, you might find that you have a whole range of workouts right at your fingertips. Choose from cardio or strength training or choose a yoga video that you can do in your own living room. This allows you to switch things up every day and using videos is ideal if you’re used to group workout classes at the gym. If you don’t have a streaming service, you can find videos on YouTube, which you can watch on your laptop or tablet.

4. Take it Outside

Now that you’re working out at home, it’s the ideal time to take your exercise session outside. There are plenty of opportunities to burn calories and work your muscles in the great outdoors, which experts say is safer during a pandemic than working out inside the gym with other people. Try running or walking around your neighborhood, an option that doesn’t require any equipment and can be done anytime you can fit into your schedule. You can also jump on an exercise trampoline or go for a bike ride.

5. Use Household Objects

You don’t have to have a full set of fancy workout gear to get a good home workout. You probably have a plethora of things lying around the house that you can use to fit in an exercise session. Use large bags of rice or beans as weights. Heavy textbooks also do the job. Use a chair for performing triceps dips, calf raises and to keep you steady for yoga moves. Use your stairs to do sprints or for stretching. Experiment with household objects to find the ones that serve you best.

6. Use Social Media

If you belong to a gym or you take a regular fitness class, they may still be available via social media. You can try watching live videos on Facebook or Instagram so that you can continue your usual routine. You may even be able to interact with your fellow exercisers so you can stay in touch and stay on top of your fitness at the same time. Check with your gym or instructor to find out if these options are available to you.

7. Get Everyone Involved

If you have a family or you share your home with someone – friend or partner – why not work out together? Having a workout buddy is motivational and keeps you accountable. It is especially beneficial if a family exercises together as younger members learn and develop a good habit of healthy exercise. It is also known that the healthier and fitter you are, the better chances you have of fighting off any disease including the Coronavirus. Combine your workouts with healthy eating and everyone will enjoy a better life.

Whether you invest in an entire home gym or you choose to make do with what you have at home, you can still fit in an effective workout, even during a pandemic. Instead of gaining the weight that others are complaining about or feeling ashamed of your body, create a home workout that you love and that you can stick with. That way, when the pandemic is finally over, you’ll be in shape and as healthy as you can be.

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