Too many hours in front of a screen… late nights? Need a solution to soothe irritated and dry eyes?”

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Too many hours in front of a screen… late nights? Need a solution to soothe irritated and dry eyes?”


Whether from spending too many hours in front of a screen during the day or from having a ‘few too many’ last night at the rugby club social, most of us are familiar with the red, inflamed and ‘gritty’ feeling of our eyes when they are dry.

OPTASE Eye Spray (Boots, £15.99) contains all-natural ingredients to soothe redness and irritation – brightening dark circles and combatting any deviant behaviour from the night before! With a handy spray dispenser, this product works for those averse to using drops to hydrate their eyes.

Increasing hours are being spent in front of at a screen, whether it’s on a mobile, laptop or TV. When staring at screens our blink rate can decrease from 6 – 8 times a minute, to once or twice a minute due to concentration. This means that the tears that keep our eyes hydrated have more time to evaporate between blinks, contributing to dryness and irritation.

OPTASE® Eye Spray, a scientifically developed dry eye product with a unique natural formulation for brighter eyes. Recent studies have revealed that almost 70% of people have signs or symptoms of dry eye disease , with 2 in 5 people experiencing tired, itchy, or irritated eyes, whether this be from excessive screen time or from having a ‘few too many’ last night at the rugby club social.

Alcohol is known to cause swollen blood vessels within the eyes and other such symptoms of Dry Eye Disease – hence the characteristic ‘puffy’ eyed, bloodshot look after a big night. The itchiness and irritation of the eyes during a hangover can be soothed with a hydrating spray such as OPTASE, also helping to reduce redness to hide the previous nights’ deviant behaviour.

Please see below for a more in-depth description of the product.

OPTASE Eye Spray – quick facts

Scientifically developed for upmost efficacy and safety
Soothes discomfort and reduces itchiness
Unique formulation of Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil and Hyaluronic Acid
Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil, a natural source of Omega-3, strengthens and stabilises the tear film, the hydrating layer on the surface of the eye, to prevent the evaporation of tears and excessively watery eyes
Hyaluronic Acid hydrates the surface of the eyes and replaces evaporated tears
OPTASE Eye Spray has also been shown to moisturise and soothe the eyelids and boost skin elasticity
Suitable for use with contact lenses
Preservative-free to prevent irritation
Sterile for 3 months meaning it’s perfect for make-up bags and on-the-go

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