REVIEW. The Hatter Express Main St, Ballybofey (T: 00353831407761) & SIGMA Natural CBD Oil “Going from fig 1 to fig 2 above in 1 week, thats what happened.” InTouch Rugby Herbs and tinctures health editor!

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REVIEW. The Hatter Express Main St, Ballybofey (T: 00353831407761) & SIGMA Natural CBD Oil “Going from fig 1 to fig 2 above in 1 week, thats what happened.” InTouch Rugby Herbs and tinctures health editor!



“You could say that pain was/is minimal. Maybe it is… but it was constantly there and constantly annoying. Its a familiar story with the back pain industry in the US at over 200 Billion per year… I’ve tried everything and many things do help, i’de got my pain back to about 20% better than what it was, but it would flair up and it was never really 100%! I’ve just started taking CBD oil this week, so its about 6 days and from day one i noticed reduced pain. But today, day 6 i just fully straightened my back and stood up straight with absolutely no pain and i just walked around like that for about 20 mins, really relaxing and enjoying that! I thoroughly recommned this product and you should speak to Paddy at Hatter Express in Ballybofey for a great service and good folks” InTouch Rugby Herbs and tinctures health editor!

Please note this is a personal experience and you have to thoroughly research this for yourself and check it out for yourself.


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