Yutaka Mother’s Day Sushi Bouquet Recipe !

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Yutaka Mother’s Day Bouquet





500g Yutaka Sushi Rice

See more at :- www.yutaka.co/en/products/products/65/sushi-rice-500g

6 tbs Yutaka Rice Vinegar

See more at :- www.yutaka.co/en/products/products/18/japanese-rice-vinegar-150ml

4 tbs sugar

2 tsp salt

7 – 9 Yutaka Nori sheets

See more at :- www.yutaka.co/en/products/products/35/sushi-nori-seaweed-11-g-5-sheets

Cocktail sticks for the flowers

1 large carrot

1 large beetroot

1 large courgette

Rosso or Salad Bowl lettuce leaves

Yutaka Tofu


Choose your favourite sushi fillings e.g. avocado, cucumber, smoked salmon, crab sticks as well as a dab of Yutaka Wasabi

See more at :- www.yutaka.co/en/products/products/33/wasabi-paste-43g


Rinse 500g sushi rice in a bowl of water, drain and repeat at least 4 times then drain rice with a sieve.  Put 660 ml water and the washed rice into a saucepan. Bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes with the lid on.  Turn off the heat and leave to stand for 25-30 mins without opening the lid.

Mix the rice vinegar, sugar and salt together and fold into the cooked sushi rice after it has cooled down.

Spiralise ½ carrot and thinly slice the other half – using flower cookie cutters, cut out shapes in various sizes and repeat same with the beetroot and the courgette. Using

Yutaka Tofu, slice off about 3 thin pieces and repeat flower cutter process.

To make up the bouquet

Roll a nori sheet into the shape of a cone and fill with the sushi rice. Make a well in the centre with your finger and add your fillings, then cover over with rice so they are hidden.

 Top with one of the spiralized vegetables and place a flower of your choice on top (secured with a cocktail stick). Repeat process with a new cone and with another vegetable until you have three cones featuring spiralized veggies.

With the remaining nori sheets, make additional cones, add rice plus fillings and tuck in a small lettuce leaf or three depending on their size and top with 3 flowers (again secured with a cocktail stick).

The bouquet can then be wrapped in tissue paper and cellophane and tied up with ribbon.










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